The palatal expander needs to be cleaned properly as other orthodontic appliances to avoid health problem, particularly when your orthodontist has recommended this appliance to increase the width of your palate. In addition, it’s essential to keep food residues and other types of dental plaque, as their formation can cause a stink in the oral cavity and possibly adversely affect the gums. However, what would be the best process that one needs to embark on while cleaning it? Here is the step by step guide on how to maintain the hygiene of your expander while keeping your oral health on check.
What is a Palatal Expander?
Before going deep into the cleaning process, it’s helpful to understand what a palatal expander is. It is an orthodontic appliance employed to expand the palate which is the upper jaw in order to develop more space in the oral cavity. This is often used by children, but the adults do require it in some circumstances.
Why Cleaning is Important
Palatal expanders are equipment that has small holes that will trap food easily. If not cleaned properly it will lead to formation of plaque, cavities and foul smell from the mouth. In addition, bacteria particularly those in the gums can lead to inflammation or infection. Cleaning is important for general health and successful function of the placed expander in the oral cavity.
Tools You’ll Need
To clean a palatal expander effectively, gather the following tools:
- Soft-bristle toothbrush
- Interdental brush or proxy brush
- Fluoride toothpaste
- Water flosser (optional)
- Mouthwash

How to Clean a Palatal Expander : Step-by-Step Guide
Rinse with Water
The first step is therefore, to spit out or rinse your mouth with water after every meal. This assists in reducing any form of accumulation on the expander especially the loose food particles that might be found there.
Use a Soft-Bristle Toothbrush
Floss your teeth as you usually do and focus more on the areas having the expander on them. Despite the fact that the expander is made of metal it does not mean that one should brush it roughly, instead, use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
Interdental Brush for Tight Spaces
Interdental brush also referred to as proxy brush is ideal for cleaning the areas that are between the expander and teeth. As a floss it can be used to reach those areas that the regular toothbrush might not be able to negotiate particularly the spaces around the metal framework.
Consider a Water Flosser
If you can get your hand on a water flosser, it is a very useful tool to use in cleaning around the expander. Studies have found out that; water flossing has led to decrease in biofilm from the tooth surface and decrease in bacteria from 6mm pockets. Also, it has been proven that water flossers help in reduction of gingivitis, bleeding and other problems. Besides, the high pressure water can assist in washing out any remains of food and give a thorough cleaning. Make sure that you direct the water stream towards the expander and other nearby teeth and gums.
Rinse with Mouthwash
Last in your oral fitness regimen is the fluoride rinse to reduce the bacterial count left in the mouth and to leave you breath fresh. Moreover, chlorhexidine mouth rinse is also proven to be effective in reducing the bacteria that have risen due to the unclean expander. Rinse with the mouthwash for not less than 30 seconds to allow the mouthwash cover all the parts in the mouth.
Tips for Daily Maintenance
- Brush after every meal: This means that it prevents food from being stuck within the expander as well as countering the formation of plaque.
- Avoid sticky and hard foods like nuts: These can be trapped in the expander and are very hard to come out.
- Regularly check for cleanliness: Interdental pointed washers like expander need to be rinsed so take a mirror to check that there is no food stuck in the expander after brushing.
What to Avoid When Cleaning Your Expander
Do not use sharp objects like toothpicks in attempt to remove stuck food particles from your expander. These are able to harm the material that the device is made from as well as your gums. They can also cause infections or irritation in the gums.
It may appear complicated to clean a palatal expander at first but, once one understands the right procedure and implements it, it becomes very easy. Proper care makes sure the expander is functioning as it is supposed to and assists you to have proper oral hygiene. These general steps, if followed will enable you to maintain a clean and efficient expander.