
Can Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures Damage Teeth​

can metal clasps on partial dentures damage teeth​


People often ask the dentist, can metal clasps on partial dentures damage teeth? Partial dentures are widely used by most people with missing teeth. If you use partial dentures with metal clasps, damage will definitely happen. Partial dentures are a less preferred dental treatment because they might look good and natural by filling the space where teeth are missing, but improper maintenance can cause teeth damage. In this guide, we will tell you all the necessary information about how metal clasps on partial dentures damage teeth and how to maintain and repair them to last for many years.

What are Partial Dentures?

It is the partial bridge that is attached to the teeth to fill the spaces of missing teeth. They are removable and also adjustable in certain positions by the use of the crown. It helps to give you a good appearance of your smile and also prevents your teeth from misaligning or shifting over time. 

Partial dentures are of two different types, which include:

Plastic Partial Bridges or Dentures

Plastic dentures can be placed on the gums, or in some cases, the denture is held in place by stainless steel wire clasps. While you are eating, your dentures are sitting on your gums, and they can move with the softness of your gums. This kind of movement causes the stainless steel clasps to rub on the natural teeth, causing wear against the natural teeth and, in extreme cases, losing the tooth. So one should avoid clasps on this kind of denture when they can. 

Metal Partial Dentures

They are made of cast metal and are more permanent than plastic partial dentures. Metal partial dentures are a combination of metal alloy and acrylic resin. The metal clasps are much better than plastic partial dentures because they are thinner, so that biting force is divided between the gum and the remaining teeth. As a result, the gum stays healthier.

The metal partial dentures are made from the following different metals:

  • Cobalt-Chromium
  • Nickel-Chromium
  • Titanium

These metal clasps have longer durability, helping the partial bridge to stay safely in place. There are also some other different metal clasps, like the “c-clasp” and the “i-bar clasp,” that rest inside the teeth, but before selecting any of them, one should consult with the dentist to know their teeth’ specific needs. 

Pros of Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures

Metal clasps on partial dentures are the most popular and chosen option for several people having missing teeth. The benefits include: 

  • They are removable for oral hygiene and maintenance.
  • Give you a naturally appealing appearance that will help you to look good.
  • Enhancing your eating, chewing, and also talking ability.
  • An affordable dental solution for patients with missing teeth.
  • Lesser risk of denture slippage due to the stability and support via metal clasps.
  • Lesser chance for natural teeth to shift and cause other oral problems 

Cons of Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures

Metal clasps on partial dentures have a variety of benefits, but they also have the following disadvantages: 

  • Sometimes it may be slightly visible when someone speaks or smiles.
  • It will be loose over time if you don’t replace or adjust it by an oral expert. 
  • Metals are a good conductor of heat, so temperature changes can make metal clasps sensitive to cold and hot beverages.
  • Irresponsibility in the hygiene of dentures can cause gum and neighboring teeth irritation and discomfort.

Despite their disadvantages, they are still a more convenient and effective dental treatment to restore one’s smile. You can take advantage of metal clasps on partial dentures for years, but you have to just give proper care and maintenance for long durability.

Can Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures Damage Teeth?

People often face multiple problems due to metal clasps on partial dentures. Here are some effective solutions for metal clasp issues on partial dentures.

Metal Clasps Shine Reduction 

If you want to reduce the shine on the metal clasps, then this problem can be solved by using a micro-etcher or sandblasting the metal. It is a cost-effective solution that your dentist would suggest. 

Metal Clasps Adjustment

We know metal clasps on partial dentures can be a reason for irritation, and adjustment is the most considered solution to fit the teeth comfortably and avoid discomfort. You should visit your dentist to get rid of this issue.

Non-Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures

Some people are allergic or sensitive towards metals, so considering non-metal clasps, which are commonly made of thermoplastic or nylon, is a good option. They are less visible and more comfortable than metal clasps on partial dentures. 

Worn-Out Metal Clasps Replacement

Constantly using partial dentures causes clasps to become damaged with time. To avoid slippage, replacing the damaged clasps is the right choice immediately. One should discuss it with their dental expert so that they will recommend whether the clasps require replacement or simply repairing is enough. 

Implant-supported Partial Dentures

They are a long-term solution for people with missing teeth. It is more comfortable and stable than traditional ones, but first you have to find out if they suit you or not. Your dentist will tell you about your oral condition and the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment.

How to Care for Metal Clasps on Partial Dentures

 Remember that proper maintenance is very important for the longevity of metal clasps on partial dentures. There are some steps to keep the effectiveness of your metal partial dentures:

  • Use a soft-bristled brush and recommended denture cleaner to prevent scratches on the surface.
  • Rinse the dentures after every meal. 
  • Store your dentures in water overnight after use.
  • Don’t utilize bleach or hot water to avoid discoloration.
  • Avoid eating sticky or hard meals, as it can put pressure on dentures, causing damage.
  • Follow the wearing and handling instructions of your dentist for partial dentures to avoid breakage.
  • Don’t try to repair your partial dentures without a dental expert.
  • Take regular checkups seriously to ensure the proper function of your dentures.

Broken Clasps on Your Dentures? Contact Us Now!

If you are dealing with damaged partial dentures or need new or repaired dentures, Celebrate Dental is here to help you! We are a team of expert dental professionals, enabling people to restore their beautiful smile. 

We not only help you to get the most out of your partial dentures but also give you proper care with an enjoyable experience.
Schedule an appointment now!

Picture of Dr. Ensley
Dr. Ensley