
Can I Fill Teeth Spacing or Do I Need Braces? ​

can i fill teeth spacing or do i need braces​


Many people face serious dental issues, and diastema is one of them. Diastema is the gap between the teeth. It is a common cosmetic issue in children and adults. If you are also wondering, ‘Can I fill teeth spacing or do I need braces’, then remember that braces are one of the effective orthodontic treatments that is good for people who have gaps in front teeth, but it’s not always helpful.

People have different opinions and approaches about tooth spacing; some people embrace their teeth gaps and don’t bother with diastema, while many people don’t like the way tooth gaps make their smile look. In this blog, we will discuss how you can fill your teeth and properly address the hidden dental issue that may be the cause of your teeth gaps.

What are the causes of teeth gaps?

Diastema or the tooth gap can be due to some of the following reasons:

  • Missing teeth of adults and children
  • Due to oversized frenum
  • The discrepancy between the size of teeth or jaw growth
  • Bad habit of thumb sucking
  • Due to the habit of tongue-thrusting
  • Any gum disease

They are not the enough reason for the tooth gaps. Some patients have other serious underlying dental problems that orthodontics can determine. 

Can I Fill Teeth Spacing or Do I Need Braces?

Are you suspect or confused and thinking about just using a retainer instead of metal braces? Well, retainers will just hold your teeth in their current position, but braces or clear aligners will close your teeth’s gaps. Braces or aligners are also long-term deals for misalignment of teeth and are more effective than retainers. 

How Braces or Aligners Can Improve Teeth Gaps

Cosmetic dental issues like tooth gaps affect one’s speech and can also cause improper bites. Braces can look unappealing to people, but it is an effective dental treatment that fills the gaps in teeth. Braces move the tooth in the opposite direction of the space to fill the gap with the help of brackets on the teeth. Fortunately, you have to wear it for several months so that your teeth can shift to their correct position. 

Metal or clear braces are the best options for oversized gaps and unhealthy teeth. It will help to fill tooth spacing, which might be caused by the following reasons:

Periodontic Disease

If your tooth gaps are due to periodontic disease, then it must be under control before starting an orthodontist treatment. This gum disease will not only affect your gums but can also be a major cause for bones to deteriorate, causing teeth gaps over time. It can soften or weaken the gums and spread to become worse. 

With the help of braces, you can close your tooth gap, but treating the gum disease first is the right decision. If a patient tries to fill teeth spacing first without properly treating the periodontal disease, then it can further damage one’s whole smile. 

Missing Teeth 

If someone loses their teeth due to some accident or other reason, the neighboring teeth start shifting toward the gap, creating several spaces in the teeth. This natural phenomenon of movement can also cause the jawbone to deteriorate. With the help of braces, people can straighten their teeth, but other tooth replacement treatments can be a better choice to make up missing teeth. The tooth replacement treatments include dental implants, dentures, or dental bridges.

Teeth Size

Children with baby teeth have gaps or spacing between their teeth. These tooth spacings are not a serious problem because baby teeth aren’t permanent. But those adults that have undersized teeth while their jawbone size is normal according to their age may have dental issues. 

This means their teeth will push up from their gums and be scattered across the width of their jaw. Braces can be the right choice for this situation to realign the teeth and fill the gaps.

Pacifier Sucking

Most of the children have bad habits of thumb and pacifier sucking, while some also have tongue-thrusting habits. This excessively sucking problem can cause dental problems that will follow into adulthood. Continuous sucking pushes the front teeth in a forward direction, causing misalignment. 

Those teenagers and adults who have constantly utilized pacifiers or had tongue-thrusting habits as children often consult with an orthodontist to move their teeth back to their normal position. Braces or clear aligners can help to treat misaligned teeth, which can alter one’s bite and talking capacity. 

Abnormal Growth

Abnormal oral growth can also be one of the causes of tooth gaps in rare cases. It is due to some serious issues with teeth, like oral tumors. One should avoid this; immediate dental consultation will be a good decision to prevent further complications. 

Did You Have Gapped Teeth? Consult a Dentist Today!

Many people are suffering from severe dental illness, and they don’t know about it. So before making a decision about your oral health, consulting with a dentist is the right option. 

Celebrate Dental is a team of dental experts who will tell you what is affecting your smile as a whole and suggest the right treatment for it. So, don’t wait!

Book an appointment now!


Picture of Dr. Ensley
Dr. Ensley